Saturday, August 22, 2009

Stress quotes & quotations

I ask you to look both ways. For the road to a knowledge of the stars leads through the atom; and important knowledge of the atom has been reached through the stars.
~Author : Sir Arthur Eddington Stars and Atoms 1928 Lecture 1 Famous Quotes

The really frightening thing about middle age is that you know you'll grow out of it.
~Author : Doris Day Inspirational Sayings

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 2 or 8. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
~Author : Moshe Arens Nice Quotes

A book is a story for the mind. A song is a story for the soul.
~Author : Eric Pio Great Sayings

Someone bent on suicide won?t have much sense of humour left.
~Author : Chuck Palahniuk Meaningful Sayings

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery Forbid it, Almighty God I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death
~Author : Patrick Henry Wise Quotes

There are two great rules in life, the one general and the other particular. The first is that every one can in the end get what he wants if he only tries. This is the general rule. The particular rule is that every individual is more or less of an exception to the general rule.
~Author : Samuel Butler Motivational Sayings

The superior man cannot be known in little matters, but he may be entrusted with great concerns. The small man may not be entrusted with great concerns, but he may be known in little matters.
~Author : Confucius The Confucian Analects Famous Quotes

I demand more of myself than anyone else could ever expect.
~Author : Julius Irving Inspirational Sayings

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